
Discover the only universities in the U.S. with Spanish-language degrees

According to statistics, approximately 42 million people in the United States are Spanish speaking.

Abacus Futur, the new publishing and audiovisual project of Jaume Roures, is born.

2. Abacus Futur, the new publishing and audiovisual project of Jaume Roures, is born.

The Latin American Literature Festival KmAmèrica returns to Barcelona

From June 18 to 22 Barcelona will once again enjoy five days of programming around the best Latin American literature: the third edition of KM America, the Latin American Literature Festival of Barcelona.

America Reads Spanish Newsletter is available online!

2024 May's #194 is now available with exciting news about America Reads Spanish!

The 20 most anticipated books of June 2024

During the first days of June, publishers accelerate their programming so that the novelties arrive freshly printed at the stands of the Madrid Book Fair.

Colombian Piedad Bonnett, winner of the Queen Sofia Prize for Ibero-American Poetry

The Colombian poet, writer and playwright Piedad Bonnett, has won the XXXIII Queen Sofia Prize for Ibero-American Poetry, jointly organized by Patrimonio Nacional and the University of Salamanca since 1992.

Natalia Litvinova Wins II Lumen Novel Prize for 'Luciérnaga'

Belarusian writer Natalia Litvinova wins the II Lumen Novel Prize for her debut novel "Luciérnaga", which explores her experiences of emigration and war.

5 short novels to enjoy. Great stories in a short space: Oz, Uhlman, Werfel, Zweig and Cortázar.

They are small works of art, of rounded, complete writing, where nothing is missing or lacking.

Mexican authors at the Valladolid Book Fair are committed to strengthening the literary and cultural connection between Spanish-speaking countries.

In the context of literature in Spanish, the cultural and literary connection between Spanish-speaking countries is presented as a challenge and an opportunity

Chilean publisher Joaquín Sabaté, founder of Ediciones Urano, passes away

Yesterday, Monday, June 3, the renowned Chilean publisher Joaquín Sabaté, founder in 1983, along with a small group of friends, of the prestigious Spanish publishing house Ediciones Urano, passed away at the age of 90, in Barcelona.

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