Are dual-language programs vital for future student success? California lawmakers rethink old law

Fifteen years after California voters approved a bill that made bilingual education in public schools practically illegal, lawmakers are taking a second look.

Does learning more than one language put an unnecessary burden on students? Should students for whom English is a second-language focus solely on mastering it? Are dual-language programs better-preparing California students for the future?

Listen to this discussion between:

Senator Ricardo Lara, (D-Bell Gardens), California State Senator for the 33rd District, author of SB 1147, which would put a measure on the ballot overturning Prop. 227, which limits public school instruction to English-only

Karin Davenport, Director of Communications, U.S.ENGLISH, the nation's oldest, largest citizens' action group dedicated to preserving the unifying role of the English language in the US.

Read more and listen to the discussion, here.

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