Todos involucrados

Author: Ryan Gattis
- Fiction
- Planeta Publishing Corporation
- ISBN: 9786070734021


Los Ángeles, 1992, primer día de los disturbios. La muerte de un hombre inocente a manos de una pandilla callejera cuando vuelve de su trabajo dispara una sorprendente reacción en cadena que se extiende con violencia. Doscientos años para construir la ciudad. Seis días para destrozarla. Impactante, ambiciosa, descarnada y cinematogrÁfica: esta epopeya brutal sobre la delincuencia, la raza, la venganza y la lealtad recrea los días turbulentos que sucedieron a la absolución de tres policías blancos acusados de agredir a un hombre negro, Rodney King. A través del relato en primera persona de diecisiete personajes, Ryan Gattis teje un certero retrato de la América moderna: su historia, sus prejuicios y sus complejidades.

Con Todos involucrados, considerada «una lectura adictiva de alto voltaje» según The New York Times, y cuyos derechos televisivos ha comprado HBO (Los Soprano, The Wire y True Detective), Gattis se erige como una de las voces mÁs incisivas del panorama actual estadounidense.

A propulsive and ambitious novel as electrifying as The Wire, from a writer hailed as the West Coast's Richard Price—a mesmerizing epic of crime and opportunity, race, revenge, and loyalty, set in the chaotic streets of South Central L.A. in the wake of one of the most notorious and incendiary trials of the 1990s. 

At 3:15 p.m. on April 29, 1992, a jury acquitted three white Los Angeles Police Department officers charged with using excessive force to subdue a black man named Rodney King, and failed to reach a verdict on the same charges involving a fourth officer. Less than two hours later, the city exploded in violence that lasted six days. In nearly 121 hours, fifty-three lives were lost. But there were even more deaths unaccounted for: violence that occurred outside of active rioting sites by those who used the chaos to viciously settle old scores.  A gritty and cinematic work of fiction, All Involved vividly re-creates this turbulent and terrifying time, set in a sliver of Los Angeles largely ignored by the media during the riots. Ryan Gattis tells seventeen interconnected first-person narratives that paint a portrait of modern America itself—laying bare our history, our prejudices, and our complexities. With characters that capture the voices of gang members, firefighters, graffiti kids, and nurses caught up in these extraordinary circumstances, All Involved is a literary tour de force that catapults this edgy writer into the ranks of such legendary talents as Dennis Lehane and George V. Higgins.

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