El capitán del Arriluze

Author: Luis de Lezama Barañano
- Fiction
- Plaza y Janés
- ISBN: 9788401015403


Conspiraciones, secretos y misterios en pleno estallido de la guerra civil española. Una historia real, épica y trágica sobre el significado de la lealtad. «Solo Luis de Lezama podía escribir esta novela, una historia personal en tiempos de guerra que me ha emocionado profundamente.» Julia Navarro Corre el verano de 1936 y la situación política en España se ha complicado en extremo en los últimos meses. En cada puerto se tejen conspiraciones de todo signo pero ninguna de ellas logra empañar la felicidad de Poli Baraño, quien acaba de cumplir su gran sueño: comprar el buque en el que ha trabajado casi toda su vida, el Arriluze. Zarpa de Valencia en los primeros días de julio con la ilusión de arribar pronto a Bilbao y así celebrar con los suyos el nacimiento de su primer nieto, al que todavía no conoce. Antes de partir es abordado por dos hombres que se identifican como agentes al servicio de la República y que le piden que lleve a cabo una misteriosa misión bajo el nombre en clave de Yerma. Solo podrá saber de qué se trata una vez se encuentre en alta mar. La travesía tendrá, además, invitados inesperados: la actriz republicana y musa de Federico García Lorca, Margarita Xirgu, y un sospechoso inspector de vapores llamado Jacobo Leguina. La sublevación militar del 18 de julio les encuentra en el Estrecho de Gibraltar, trastocando por completo los planes de todos. La situación se vuelve más delicada de día en día: cada puerto es una incógnita, la vida del pasaje corre peligro y los malos presagios se suceden en un mar de tinieblas, iluminado por los fogonazos de una guerra fratricida.

It is the summer of 1936, and the political situation in Spain has gotten extremely complicated in the last few months. In every port, conspiracies are being hatched, but none of them can dull the happiness of Poli Baraño, who just achieved his lifelong dream: to buy the ship that he has worked on all his life, the Arriluze. He sets sail from Valencia at the beginning of July in hopes of reaching Bilbao quickly and celebrating the birth of his first grandson, whom he has yet to meet. Before leaving, his ship is boarded by two men who identify themselves as agents of the Republic, and they ask him to undertake a mysterious mission under the code name of Yerma. He can only know what it’s about once he is on the high seas. The journey also has unexpected guests: the Republican actress and Federico García Lorca’s muse, Margarita Xirgu, and a suspicious steamship inspector named Jacobo Leguina. The military uprising on July 18th finds them in the Straits of Gibraltar, disrupting everyone’s plans. The situation becomes even more delicate by the day: every port is a mystery, the passage is in danger, and the bad omens take place on a dark sea, illuminated by the explosions of a fratricidal war It is the summer of 1936, and the political situation in Spain has gotten extremely complicated in the last few months. In every port, conspiracies are being hatched, but none of them can dull the happiness of Poli Baraño, who just achieved his lifelong dream: to buy the ship that he has worked on all his life, the Arriluze. He sets sail from Valencia at the beginning of July in hopes of reaching Bilbao quickly and celebrating the birth of his first grandson, whom he has yet to meet. Before leaving, his ship is boarded by two men who identify themselves as agents of the Republic, and they ask him to undertake a mysterious mission under the code name of Yerma. He can only know what it’s about once he is on the high seas. The journey also has unexpected guests: the Republican actress and Federico García Lorca’s muse, Margarita Xirgu, and a suspicious steamship inspector named Jacobo Leguina. The military uprising on July 18th finds them in the Straits of Gibraltar, disrupting everyone’s plans. The situation becomes even more delicate by the day: every port is a mystery, the passage is in danger, and the bad omens take place on a dark sea, illuminated by the explosions of a fratricidal war.

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