Hijo dorado

Author: Pierce Elliott Brown
- Fiction
- Molino-RBA
- ISBN: 9788427208773


Tras una implacable competición en el Instituto de Marte, Darrow se ha ganado un puesto de honor entre la élite gobernante. Ahora luce la cicatriz curvada de los dorados, los más crueles y brillantes de los humanos. Pero Darrow no es como ellos.....

In the much-awaited sequel to Red Rising, Darrow has won a place of honor with the governing elite after a fierce competition. He now wears the curved scar of the Golds, but he is not one of them. To destroy the system from the inside, he must become the strongest, most intelligent, and most implacable...the golden son. This is the only way to bring light back to his people.

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