Ayúdame a pensar

Author: Eva Manzano
- Children/Young
- Thule Ediciones
- ISBN: 9788415357346
- Release Date: 11-01-2014


An elephant suddenly finds himself burrowed inside the den of a leopard. Terrified, he asks for help. The leopard, following an absurd logic, teaches him how to escape from the den. Then, to the leopard's horror, he finds himself immersed in the deep sea. Here begins the chain of unexpected and desperate situations where we find many animals acting as "fish out of water." The animals continually help one another in these unfamiliar environments by applying common sense. An illustrated story with artistic collages, this book features color in a vivid new way.

Un cuento sorprendente en el que diversos ambientes se suceden de forma inopinada, atrapando a distintos animales que se ayudan unos a otros siguiendo procesos lógicos de sentido común a pesar de estar afectados por una lógica que se les escapa.

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