Libro de las runas

Author: Ralph Blum
- Non-Fiction
- EDAF Antillas
- ISBN: 9788441403901
- Release Date: 06-30-2014


En sus manos tiene algo muy especial: el antiguo Oráculo Vikingo de las Runas. Las runas son en realidad un antiguo alfabeto cuyas letras sabemos que fueron utilizadas en documentos legales, en poesía, en inscripciones y como instrumento adivinatorio, pero sin llegar nunca a evolucionar como lengua hablada. Contiene: 25 runas de piedra, una bolsa para guardarlas y el libro de interpretación.

The publication of The Book of Runes (over two million in print) marked the return of an ancient Oracle last used in the Middle Ages by Viking navigators to set their courses under cloudy skies. In our time, the Runes Oracle serves as a compass for conduct, a means of determining the "true north" of right action in any challenging situation. According to anthropologist Margaret Mead, for an Oracle to endure, it must be of service to at least three consecutive generations. We are now hearing from the "Hogwarts Generation"-- the grandchildren of those who began consulting the Runes Oracle in the spring of 1982. And if you look closely, it appears that the scar on Harry Potter's forehead is a Rune! Which Rune? The lightning bolt, s, the Rune of Wholeness and Healing.

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