Palabras malditas

Author: Miguel Conde-Lobato
- Fiction
- Ediciones B
- ISBN: 9788466676472
- Release Date: 04-02-2024


Estela siempre ha sido una localidad próspera y tranquila, tan llena de prejuicios como de viento y niebla. Sus habitantes, acostumbrados a vivir de espaldas a los problemas del mundo, nunca pensaron que llegaría una tragedia que oscurecería aquel lugar más que su habitual clima.
La sombra cae sobre Estela el día que hallan la cabeza de una joven con un extraño tatuaje en la frente. Cuando aparecen nuevas víctimas, la pequeña ciudad se estremece ante la idea de que uno de sus vecinos quizá sea un asesino en serie.

Edén lleva un tiempo suspendida de su puesto como policía judicial de la Guardia Civil, cuando recibe una llamada. Ahora la necesitan, y rápido. En una sociedad obsesionada con la belleza y la imagen, solo ella es capaz de observar muy de cerca a las personas y descubrir la verdad de los demás, su bondad esencial o la profundidad de su maldad, aunque para ello tenga que mirar al peligroso y aterrador abismo de lo humano.

With his unmistakably original style and frenetic pace, Miguel Conde-Lobato sets this novel in the Galicia of his birth. The imaginary village of Estela captures the region's native charms but also the dark undercurrents of a small town where the neighbors all trust each other - perhaps a little too much.

Estela has always been a prosperous and peaceful place, characterized as much by its prejudice as its windy and misty weather. Its inhabitants, used to turning their backs on the world's problems, never expected tragedy to darken the atmosphere more than the habitual dreary climate.

A shadow descends on Estela the day the severed head of a young girl is found with a strange tattoo on her forehead. When new victims appear, the village is shaken at the prospect that one of its residents could be a serial killer.

Edén is on suspension from her position with the Civil Guard's judicial police when she gets a call. They need her back, and fast. In a society obsessed with beauty and appearances, she has the unique ability to study other people and recognize their true nature, their essential goodness or the depths of their evil. To do so, however, she must stare into humanity's dangerous and terrifying abyss.

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