Daniel Ruiz is the winner of the Tusquets Editores Prize for Novel 2016

The jury of the XII Tusquest Editores Prize for Novel 2016, chaired by Juan Marsé, and made up by Almudena Grandes, Juan Gabirel Vásquez, Alberto Barrera Tyszka, ....

winner of the previous edition, and Juan Cerezo,  in representation of the publishing house, has agreed by a majority to award the work La gran ola (The Big Wave), by Daniel Ruiz García.

The jury praised in the winning novel the corrosive, unrelenting, and original narrative treatment of a business world peopled by characters of all classes and conditions, and its caustic depiction of New Age mantras that hold sway in the work environment, covering up a sometimes sordid struggle for survival in the midst of crisis.

La gran ola (The Big Wave) will be published in November 2016.

Winners of the previous editions were Evelio Rosero (Colombia), Élmer Mendoza (México), Sergio Olguín (Argentina), Rafael Reig (Spain), Fernando Aramburu (Spain), Betina González (Argentina), Ginés Sánchez (Spain), Juan Trejo (Spain) and Alberto Barrera Tyszka (Venezuela).

Translation by The Spanish Bookstage 

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