Upcoming Cultural Events Instituto Cervantes

Round Table Discussion, Cervantes, la Lectura Interminable. This event will be held on the occasion of the fourth centenary of the death of Cervantes. Join us on May 3rd, 7 pm

Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, a Spain literary magazine, celebrates the 500th anniversary of Cervantes by dedicating its April issue to the Spanish writer. The commemoration is overseen by Roberto Gonzalez, profesor emeritus of Yale and distinguished hispanist Edwin Williamson. In spanish only Cuadernos Hispoanamericanos was founded in February of 1948 and has since been under the successive direction of Lain Entralgo, Luis Rosales, Jose Antonio Maravall, Felix Grande, Blas Matamoro, Benjamin Prado and is currently headedby Juan Malpartida.   Free admission- Mandatory RSVP: bec1cultny@cervantes.es

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