Interview with Susana López Rubio, author of 'El asesino de los caramelos de violeta'.

Susana López Rubio was born in Madrid and is a successful author and screenwriter with more than fifteen years of experience in television and film. She has written scripts for series such as Policías: en el corazón de la calle, Hospital Central and Física o Química.

She has also adapted for television the miniseries El tiempo entre costuras and Acacias 38. Her latest works include the adaptation of La templanza and Vestidas de azul. She has also written screenplays for cinema in films such as Cómo sobrevivir a una despedida and short films, for example, Juan y la nube, which won the Goya Award for Best Animated Short Film in 2015.

She is the author of two children's books and two novels,'El Encanto' and 'Flor de sal'  which have been translated into more than nine languages. In February she published the third one, which she co-signed with Javier Holgado and is titled “El asesino de los caramelos de violeta.” In this interview she talks about it and several other issues. I thank her for the time dedicated to the interview.

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