Eleven Spanish words that English must adopt right now

Some Spanish words are so good at perfectly describing a feeling, experience or person you have to wonder why the English language hasn't adopted them yet. The Local has chosen eleven linguistic gems that should be immediately adopted into the English language.

Here are five:

Espabilar: To liven up, to come to one's senses, to get one's act together, to wise up, to get a move on, to wake up!

Maruja: a traditional working-class housewife who enjoys gossiping about her neighbours and eavesdropping on others. She's the informal broadcaster of radio patio, the so-called courtyard radio where most of the chitchat takes place.

Estrenar: to wear or use something for the first time.

 Cachondeo: Lack of seriousness. This may refer to messing about in a positive sense, as in "Nos pasamos la tarde de cachondeo" (We spent the afternoon mucking about) to a more negative "menudo cachondeo de gobierno" (this government is a joke).

Pagafantas: Literally meaning Fanta buyer, it usually refers to guys who buy drinks for girls and treat them nicely, but never actually get remotely close to sealing the deal in the relationship sense.

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